...Un Enfoque Empresarial...

domingo, 5 de mayo de 2013

Specialized Conference: Luis S. Ortega Trelles Director Regional Sureste de Actinver Casa de Volsa S.A DE C.V

hola everybody!!

Today I'm going to present you Luis Ortega Trelles who is the Director of Southeast regional of Actinver S.A DE C.V (bursa house) Who was in "Reto Negocios 2013".


Luis Ortega tried to explain the differences that exist in the words: save up and invest although these words are similar are not the same in a large time. He told us that save up is to keep and book money but invest is the action of to put the money in some companies that after are going to growing ( to buy stocks) and if you invest $10 000 dollars eventually you’re money are going to growing. He means that if you save up your money will be the same although the time but if you invest, it could be happen in the best options that you’re money grow but in the bad options you can lose your money.

Everything it’s a matter that you risk. I learn that we don’t have to be wealthy for to invest in a company because you can invest $ 3 000 dollars or the amount that you prefer. He said that the one of the wealthiest person started to invest in stocks at age 13 because he never save up he always invest. And he said that Actinver learn to the customers to invest. He advise us about to buy stocks in the companies like apple, google, Microsoft, cerveza corona and check it what companies are going to grow.

He shows us some graphics where it show the money that we could win if we were invest in some companies (it was horrible to see the amounts that I could win now...) and he give us the things that we need to do I we want to invest, and are (in general terms):

1. Open an account

2. Have discipline and habit

3. Be patient to know what buy and when, to know at what term I am.

4. Diversify, have a briefcase.

5. Set objectives ¿What I am waiting? ¿What I am not waiting of invest?

6. Don’t have hurry, the opportunities have time, always it will have and we have to know when we can take it.

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