...Un Enfoque Empresarial...

domingo, 28 de abril de 2013

Masterly Conference: Ana Maria Olabuenaga CEO Olabuenaga Chemestri

hola everybody!!

Here I have other Masterly Conference of Ana Maria Olabuenaga CEO Olabuenaga Chemestri
who participated in "RETO NEGOCIOS 2013"


This conference it was one of my favorites and for me it was the best. Ana Maria Olabuenaga makes me understand why the women are like they are. She explains that 85% of the shopping is made by women. The women are the bigger segment of the world and her economic capacity are growing.

She asks herself why does the women are these bigger segments of the world? She thinks that this start since time of cavemen where the women takes care of the cavern and the men goes out whit his friends in order to hunt and bring food at the cavern. The women goes out looking for flowers like trimmings for the cavern but this flowers if you crush it you can see that the flowers off his colors and with that they draw his thinking in stones but Olabuenaga has the idea that the women with that colors they makeup, for she this action of to goes out the cavern looking for the things that they can bring to her house it means the “compras” is the tatara, tatara, tatara of the shopping.

She makes emphasize in a study who presents two types of hormones serotonin, and oxytocin. The men and women have this hormone in common serotonin but the other only belongs to the women the oxytocin. The last hormone is the key of the differences between men and women because the oxytocin is that makes the maternal instinct on the women and opens her cute part.

Since we born until we grow up when we are child we plays different things the boys with toy guns and the girls with her dolls. We like a women learned to communicate through talks, we observed everything, we pay attention at the details and the men not.

She said us that the she discovered that the women make shopping of love because we buy things not only for us otherwise for every member of his family. Like conclusions the men only things in themselves and the women in everything.

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